you: I just set up a database. On the webpage, it says"Your database "pageinfo" has been created! You MUST always use your hostname to connect to your database... "localhost" WILL NOT WORK. Connect to your new database from the command line with: mysql -u sunsnow -p -h pageinfo You can also go to to manage your MySQL database from the web. "
you: However, when I got to, I got error
M. Schroder: okay, taking a look at your account
you: thx
you: also, what is the password for the db?
you: I was not asked to set a password
M. Schroder: You can see and change hte passwords for your MySQL databases (if needed) by clicking on the user here:
M. Schroder:
you: yeah
you: but the user name and password are gray
M. Schroder: okay, the reason the phpMyAdmin isn't working is that you're using passenger, and phpMyAdmin won't load with passenger.
M. Schroder: For this reason, I'd suggest adding a dreamhosters subdomain to use to access your phpMyAdmin
M. Schroder: You can do this by clicking "add new domain/subdomain" here, then use as the domain:
M. Schroder:
M. Schroder: After you do that, you'll be able to add a new MySQL hostname like
M. Schroder: They're not showing as grey for me -- so you might want to try with a different browser.
M. Schroder: You can see the password listed, and the fields on the right let you enter a new password
you: is the password the same as the user login password?
you: ok
M. Schroder: No, the MySQL users and passwords are separate
you: get it rigt
M. Schroder: (although it's possible you set them the same)
you: i c. so the same user has the same password for all the db he has access to?
M. Schroder: right
you: got it. thx!
you: another question
you: can I use sqlite with python django?
M. Schroder: You should be able to, although I don't know the details on how to set it up.
you: np
you: i will check it
you: so after I set up the db and change the setting in django, how can I make it effective?
you: do I need to restart something?
M. Schroder: I honestly am not sure about that.
M. Schroder: I'll ask around to see, but I'm not familiar with changing Django configuration.
you: i used some command before, but cannot remember. It's something like 'kill python' or so
you: please, thank you so much!
M. Schroder: you can certainly run pkill -9 python or pkill -9 -u yourusername to kill all processes under your user.
M. Schroder: However, I spoke with my supervisor, and it looks like you should just need to restart passenger.
M. Schroder: you can do this by running "touch restart.txt" inside your tmp directory
you: oh
you: by the way, what is a passenger?
M. Schroder: You can read about Passenger here:
M. Schroder:
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